Issues with Chauvet DJ AN2 - MA Lighting Forum (2025)

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Issues with Chauvet DJ AN2 - MA Lighting Forum (3)

  • Rhett Grantham-Smith
  • November 29, 2024 at 4:37 AM
    • November 29, 2024 at 4:37 AM
    • New

    Hi All,

    i have a Chauvet dj AN2,

    Works a treat, run resolume and dot2 on pc and magic q etc, 0 issue,

    I'm trying to incorporate it into a dot2 console now, and to get control directly from the console via the network, I'm having to take a series of tedious steps, resetting node, plugging in on pc first to get output, taking over session with console. But this is only working for newly created shows. When i then try to load an existing show (all the same settings for networks) my connection is lost and i can not get anything out of the node anymore and need to go back to the pc to get signal again.

    I'm just trying to use it to test universe 6 out put of my console as i was having issues with a separate node that was controlling this universe in my network having some intermittent drop outs. (as i say, i can get the output of universe 6 from port 2 of the node when following the above steps, but not on a current show, that has the same fixture in the same patch)

    Is there something in the dot2 that is just not having a fun time with this node or some other reason i am perhaps overlooking that may be causing the lack of dmx data outputting from the chauvet node?

    The lights stop flashing displaying dmx output on the front etc*

    I am currently running a network of 4 x nodes (none of which are specific MA nodes, Luminex and ELCs*), that all work fine also, but even when i isolate a network switch and the dot 2 and this node, i cant get a consistent dmx signal outputting.

    I also run this as my home studio node and never ever have drop outs, so im wondering if the dot2 hardware itself is causing these issues? Or somehow in some wierd way not having it in from the beginning of a show build and trying to load into an existing file is somehow creating errors and synch issues. Or if its because its not branded MA etc.

    Thanks in advanced legends.

    • November 29, 2024 at 10:16 PM
    • New

    Every Artnet gateway should work – it doesn’t matter whether it’s MA hardware or another brand.

    The most common issues are incorrect IP and subnet mask settings.

    I hope you changed the default IP address of the AN2 from to something else (of course, any 2.x.x.x address that isn’t already used by another device in the network).
    And, of course, the subnet mask should be

    • November 30, 2024 at 7:08 AM
    • New

    Yeah have tried a different ips that are all free in my network, subnet is correct, it works, just then stops for some reason in certain showfiles, no ip is changing in these scenarios

    • December 1, 2024 at 6:33 AM
    • New

    I've got 2 off them running in our system.

    But running in s'ACN.

    We had some trouble with ARTNET.

    • December 1, 2024 at 10:42 AM
    • New

    Quote from Rhett Grantham-Smith

    Yeah have tried a different ips that are all free in my network, subnet is correct, it works, just then stops for some reason in certain showfiles, no ip is changing in these scenarios

    In the shows where it doesn't work, do you have an active session and the Art-Net protocol enabled?

    • December 1, 2024 at 10:23 PM
    • New

    Yeah mate, like i said, on the daily in both my home and full time work, i run netowrk of nodes. And i have output out of this fine in all circumstances except a physical dot 2 ( which i run my network of nodes at my full time work off, which also work completely fine.) All settings and everything are correct, ips, subnets, active artnets, etc. Free addresses in the range of ip. I can literally take it off the dot 2 and back to pc for instant connection again like it has no issue, and i can take over a sessions and hod control on a dot2 for a brief period also, which would correlate with all this working correctly.
    I have ran stages off these also with chamsys magicq in the past no issue also. Its just this physical dot21

    I literally get connection, then it drops out, so its clearly working and something is happening.

    I'll try sacn, but thats irratating if its purely an artnet issue somehow.

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Issues with Chauvet DJ AN2 - MA Lighting Forum (2025)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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